Bridge Demolition
Urban growth and changes in transportation infrastructure make upgrading and replacing bridges a common activity in the construction industry. Whether you’re in need of a partial demolition or a total bridge demolition, PDI has the experience, engineering expertise and machine power needed to tackle these projects.

Route 17 over the Broward River
Route 17 over the Broward River was PDI’s first bridge in the State of Florida. The PDI team faced new challenges having to battle hurricane Nicole during the removal.
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Ashcake Rd over 95
Ashcake Rd is a rapid bridge demolition project that was completed in only 4 shifts. PDI was contracted to remove the superstructure only, including the deck and girders in order for the client to be able to repair and expand the piers and replace the bridge deck.
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Interstate Highway 66, Virginia
One of our largest projects yet, with a total of 19 full bridge demolitions and 13 partial removals, PDI continues to utilize our innovation, new technology and years of experience to move our portion of the I66 project forward faster and safer than ever before.
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